
  • Friday, 8 July 2016

    My female boss is sexually harassing me

    My name is Steve, a 28-year-old man working in telecommunication firm in Lagos. I got the job in October of 2015 and it turned out to be a far better job to what I had before then.
    The salary is fantastic and I get all the perks that has allowed me to live very comfortably. I was able to change my car after just two months on the job from an allowance that came my way after a training course in Abuja.

    I am planning to get married to my fiancée this year but there is a fly in the ointment in the person of my direct boss, a married woman of about 48.
    The woman is very influential in the company and has the ears of the Managing Director and the Board of Directors.
    In fact, no decision is ever taken without her input and she wants even a senior manager sacked, it will be done without anyone batting an eye.
    From the very first day I joined the company, my boss took a special interest in me and made sure I got many opportunities. Initially I thought she was impressed with my resume and what I would bring to the company. Little did I know that she had some hidden schemes for me until she invited me to join her at a conference in Abuja last month.
    She made sure we stayed in the same hotel with adjoining rooms. In the night, she called me via the intercom and when I got to her room, I was embarrassed because she was in an almost see through night gown.
    I was very uncomfortable and apologized to her but she brushed me aside and told me to sit close to her. But I could not and told her I was comfortable standing.
    She stood up and came to me and tried to kiss me but I practically fled from the room.
    She tried everything to gt m to sleep with her through out our stay but I managed to keep her at bay. When we got back to Lagos, she called me into her office and told me that she has been behind all the windfall that has been coming my way and would do more if I become her lover.
    She practically begged me to sleep with her in her office but I sternly refused.
    Since then, she has been on my neck, warning me of the dire consequences if I continue to refuse her request.
    She has given me an ultimatum and has dared me to continue to reject her offer. Knowing what she can do, I am afraid for my life. Apart from getting me sacked, I know she can even implicate me and get me into serious trouble. I doubt if the management would believe me if I tell them what she has been putting me through.
    What do I do to get this woman off my back?


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